O predecessor do Instituto, o Digaai, realizou por mais de oito anos uma série de projetos que hoje estão sendo levados á frente pelo IDB. Aqui você encontrará um acervo de projetos já executados assim como projetos em curso, agora sobre a tutela do Instituto.

Here is the paragraph that describes what are the projects of Instituto Diaspora Brasil, Here is the paragraph that describes what are the projects of Instituto Diaspora Brasil,Here is the paragraph that describes what are the projects of Instituto Diaspora Brasil,

Election 2018 – Meet the Candidates

During November and December of 2018, Digaai invited all the candidates running for Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to meet with representatives from the Brazilian community. Our goal was to help candidates better understand the unique needs of our...

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Introduction to Web Development

Introduction to Web Development Brazilian kids learning to code today at Digaai Space ( This program is a partnership with the organization Resilient Coders ( Better yet, while the kids were having fun and learning to program,...

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Daniel Munduruku no Digaai

No dia 23 de Julho, Daniel Munduruku conferiu palestra no Espaço Digaai para professores de português como língua de herança e educadores em geral sobre a importancia da preservação e transmissão da cultura e língua dos povos indígenas e o paralelo com a situação dos...

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Dataverse Community Meeting

#Dataverse2017 The Dataverse Community Meeting, hosted by Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science, welcomes researchers, librarians, publishers, developers and anyone interested in data sharing or building repositories. The Dataverse Project has a growing...

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