Culture and Language
Culture and language are essential assets for immigrant communities. Preserving the emigrant language and its transfer to the next generation (heritage language) is vital to keeping culture alive and vibrant in these communities. Dual language and dual culture have positive mental and health impacts on immigrant children (Toppelberg and Collins, 2010). However, learning the receiving country’s language is crucial in the adaptation process, as acquiring the receiving country’s language supports social and economic integration.
Culture understood as “the complex of values, customs, beliefs, and practices that constitute the way of life of a specific group” (Eagleton, 2005), links very closely with the language an emigrant carries and the one they learn. It is through language that culture is constituted and disseminated. It is also through these links that identity processes occur. Language and culture thus intertwine and complete each other in the space of individual and social life.
A Língua Portuguesa é o Que Nos Une: Propostas para Pesquisa/Ensino do PHL de Maneira Global e Pluricultural
Felicia Jennings-Winterle, Alvaro Lima, José Rodrigues, 2019.
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Politicas Linguisticas Para a Promoção do Português: Considerações Sobre o Portal do Professor de Português Língua Estrangeira/Língua Não Materna (PPPLE)
Luana Moreira Reis, 2018.
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Alimentando Relações e Marcando Diferenças: Comida Brasileira entre Imigrantes Brasileiros
na Grande Boston
Viviane Kraieski, 2015.
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How is the Portuguese Heritage/Community Language Curriculum of the IBEC Program Implemented for the Bay Area Diasporic Brazilian community?
Valeria Diniz da Silva-Sasser, 2014.
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Briefing Book: English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Programs in Boston
BRA Research Division, Alvaro Lima, 2009.
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Três Dias Especiais de Muita Capoeira
Miryam Wiley, 2008.
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Going to Brazil: Transnational and Corporeal Movements of a Canadian-Brazilian Martial Arts Community
Camem Lussi, 2008.
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Revisiting Language Skill Requirements in the Labor Market
BRA Research Division, Alvaro Lima, 2008.
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Labor Market Integration of Boston’s Foreign-born
BRA Research Division, Alvaro Lima, 2008.
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Language Skill Requirements in the Labor Market
BRA Research Division, Alvaro Lima, 2007.
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Clube do Choro de Miami
Danuzio Lima, 2007.
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Supporting English Language Acquisition: Opportunities for Foundations to Strengthen the Social and Economic Well-being of Immigrant Families
Tia Elena Martinez, 2005.
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New Paradgms Regarding the Portuguese Language and the Lusophone Diasporas in the United States
Valeria Diniz da Silva-Sasser, Tatiana Fróes Dutra e Mello.
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Português como Língua de Herança: A Experiência do IBEC em São Francisco
Valeria Diniz da Silva-Sasser.
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