Citizen Participation

Immigrant community organizations contribute significantly to the reception, settlement, and integration of immigrants and refugees. Participation in the communities’ cultural, civic, and political life, in addition to service (language teaching, professional training, legalization, referrals, etc.), are the primary activities of these organizations. When carrying out their work, these organizations take various forms (solidarity organizations, credit associations, student organizations, business associations, political and advocacy groups, and artistic groups, among others). An essential factor in the growth of these organizations is their ability to cultivate the social capital of their communities. 

Community-based organizations also act as intermediaries between immigrants, local societies, and government authorities. They contribute to integrating their communities with local societies, the defense of human rights, workers’ rights, and community promotion. It is essential to emphasize their role in ethno-cultural preservation. On the one hand, they play an integrating and mediating role, while on the other, they act to preserve identity and culture. 

Our Library contains various resources (introductory readings, books, and texts) on the topic of Citizen Participation.

Making the Absent Present: Political Parties and Emigrant Issues in Country of Origin Parliaments

Eva Østergaard-NielsenIrina Ciorne2017.

A growing number of countries have granted their emigrant citizens the right to vote in homeland elections from afar. Yet, there is little understanding of the extent to which emigration issues are visible in the subsequent legislative process of policymaking and representation. Based on an original data set of parliamentary activities in Spain, Italy, France and Romania, this article analyses why political parties pay attention to emigrants.

Access to Electoral Rights – Chile

Gabriel Echeverría2015.

This report investigates the access to electoral rights. Chile represents a somewhat paradoxical case regards to electoral rights. On the one hand, it was the first Latin American country to recognize the rights of non-citizen residents (1925). On the other hand, with respect of the franchise of non-resident citizens, Chile has been a latecomer (2014). The report provides a number of historical and political reasons that may contribute to explain such difference.

Civic Participation and Integration: A Country of Origin Perspective

 Sonia Gsir2014.

This INTERACT project looks at the ways governments and non-government institutions in origin countries, including the media, make transnational bonds a reality, and have developed tools that operate economically, culturally, politically and legally. The project explores questions such as the extent do policies pursued by EU member states to integrate immigrants, and policies pursued by governments and non-state actors in origin countries regarding expatriate, complement or contradict each other. 

Entidades de União e de Apoio a Brasileiros e Brasileiras no Exterior



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Transnational Absentee Voting in the 2006 Mexican Presidential Election: The Roots of Participation

 David L. Lea, Byung-Jae Lee, James A. McCann2012.

In many of the major migrant-sending countries of the developing world, governments have extended political rights to expatriates, often including the right to vote via absentee ballot. Little is known about the factors that shape transnational electoral participation, however. 

Based on a series of event count regression analyses conducted at the level of U.S. metropolitan statistical areas, we find that transnational involvement in the election depended not only on socioeconomic factors but also on the concentration of Mexican civic associations within the local community, the presence of Spanish-language media, and distance from the Mexican border. 

An Analysis of Three Labor Unions’ Outreach to Brazilian Immigrant Workers in Boston

 Joshua Kirshner2008.

This article seeks to shed light on the conditions under which labor unions can include immigrants in their ranks as a means to regain strength. It does so by focusing on the example of Brazilian immigrants in Boston and compares the approaches of three union locals in Boston toward organizing Brazilian workers. The article highlights that strategic choice on the part of union officials as an important factor in facilitating unionization of Brazilian workers.

O Documento de Lisboa, a Carta de Boston e o Documento de Bruxelas

Rosita Miles, Orlando Fantazini2008.

O I Encontro Ibérico de Comunidades de Brasileiros no Exterior, ocorrido de 09 a 11 de maio de 2002, elaborou-se o Documento de Lisboa. Em seguida, em 2005, ocorre em Boston, o I Brazilian Summit. Durante três dias, o debate versou em torno da vida dos imigrantes brasileiros nos EUA, resultando na Carta de Boston.

Em 2007, realizou-se o II Encontro de Brasileiras e Brasileiros na Europa. Neste encontro foi elaborado Documento de Bruxelas que apresentou um elenco de necessidades a serem atendidas pelo Estado brasileiro. 

The Politics of Migrant’s Transnational Political Practices

 Eva 0stergaard-Nielsen,2003.

This article critically examines transnational political engagement of migrants and refugees in local, national and global political processes. Based on inductive reading of existing scholarship and in particular the author’s own research on Turks and Kurds in Europe, the article discusses key concepts and trends in our understanding of why, how and with what consequences migrants engage in transnational political practices.

These practices, this article suggests, are influenced by the particular multilevel institutional environment, which migrant political actors negotiate their way through. Finally, the article argues for critical examination of the democratic transparency and accountability of migrants’ transnational networks in any analysis of their long and short-term impact on domestic and global politics.