The Capsule – Movie
GENRE : Thriller with comedy
DURATION: Approximately 1 hour 45 minutes.
SYNOPSIS: The Capsule is an independent English language feature drama and comedy film that plays very much like a real thriller. The movie’s plot and the characters skew broad. Directed by Marcelo Francys the film has a Brazilian cast starring Kaado Pinheiro (Dr. Fred), Antonio Pereira (Willard), Robson Lemos (David), and Jady Lo Ro Raphael (Jenifer).
Supporting cast include Frederico Barese, Antonio Pereira, Yasmin Silva, Roberta Batista, Angela Sena, Nanda Zanoni, Edson Dido Sunamy, Juliane Farias, Samia Costa, Leila Ribeiro, Camila Basora, and Bel Hoffman(Kissyla). The film is set during the summer in the city of Boston with locations at the Commons, Copley Square, and the Esplanade.
The Capsule is an engaging story about a mad scientist, Dr. Fred, (Kaado Pinheiro) who is working on a formula to prolong life. In the pursue of that longevity formula, which mixes female blood and a sap from an Amazon plant, Dr. Fred is aided by Willard (Antonio Pereira) who is his accomplice in kidnaping and killing young prostitutes to draw their blood.

ABOUT THE DIRECTOR: Marcelo Francys is a Brazilian director, actor and filmmaker born in Vitoria (Espírito Santo). He lived most of his life in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais) where he graduated in performing arts. He became a professional actor and a member of SATED Minas (Sindicato dos Artistas e Técnicos em Espetáculos de Diversões). In Brazil, Marcelo participated in several theater performances such as: The Cage of Light (A Gaiola da Luz), Revolution in Campina Brava (Revolução em Campina Brava), The Pair ( A Dupla), Passion of Christ (A paixa de Cristo), Crystal Fists (Punhos de Cristal), Mandiga, The Treasures of the Ark (Os Tesouros da Arca), and The Imaginary Flutist (O flautista Imaginário).
Marcelo Francys has lived in Boston, Massachusetts for 12 years where he worked in a series of theater plays. Recently he has dedicated more time to his passion – cinema. He will soon release the pilot episode of the series “The Natural Order,” a fictional story which blends drama and a supernatural features. The film was shot in cities surrounding Boston with an all Brazilian cast: Leo Tatara, Leila Ribeiro, Nina Torres, Amanda Veloso, Jose Oliveira and Rodrigo Santos.
Since November of 2019 he started to work on his first feature film, The Capsule.
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