conte sua história

Alcinda Saphira, New York, NY, Estados Unidos

Alcinda Saphira é brasileira vivendo em Hastings-on-Hudson em Nova York onde ela mantém seu estúdio. Alcinda é formada em arte pela Escola de Belas Artes, da Universidade Federal da Bahia em Salvador. Depois de deixar sua posicão como produtora de rádio e televisão na TV Educativa em Salvador, Bahia, ela trabalhou na TV  Cultura de Belém, Pará, seu estado natal. Por vários anos viajou de uma cidadezinha a outra estudando as técnicas tradicionais da cerâmica amazonense.  

Este tornou-se um período crucial tanto para o seu desenvolvimento artístico tanto quanto para o seu comprometimento politico com a sobrevivência da Amazônia que esta presente nas formas, cores, e temas do seu trabalho.

Saphira ganhou o primeiro lugar da competicão internacional da União dos Escritores Brasileiros de Nova York (UBENY International  Competition) selecionada por críticos do museu Guggenheim. Seu trabalho já foi exibido nas Nacões Unidas e em galerias em Chelsea (NYC),  na Brazilian  Art Expo de Massachusetts, no Prudential Center (NJ) e no Brazil.

Presentemente, ela trabalha trabalha ainda como curadora independente promovendo eventos artísticos e Diretora Executiva da Saphira & Ventura Gallery em Manhattan, NY.


Alcinda Saphira (Artist, Curator and Jewelry Designer) is a Brazilian artist and has has been living and maintaining her studio in Westchester, NY. Her formal art education began at the Escola De Belas Artes of the state of Bahia’s Federal University, in the city of Salvador, Brazil. After leaving her job as a television and radio’s producer at TV EDUCATIVA, in Salvador (BA), and transferring to TV CULTURA, the public broadcasting television service in her home region, Belém- PA, she sought out the traditional pottery in that part of the Amazon. For many years she travelled from one small town to another, studying ancient techniques while sharing back lessons learned at the Academy. This became a crucial period in developing the visceral and political commitment to the survival of the Amazon, that largely defined the shapes, colors, texture and themes of her work. Today Saphira’s art works are more global and her techniques are enriched with transparencies and symbolic details, resulting in multiple colors and textures. Saphira also works as an independent curator promoting various artists through art exhbitions. 


Recent Awards & Accomplishments


Hudson River Mural set dressing for TV series “Person Of Interest”, Warner Bros.

Nominated for the Brazilian International Press Award, category Visual Artist.


Selected by the “Art Takes Times Square” Art Contest.

Selected to participate at ” A Magical Journey, Brasil” @ Macy’s Herald Square.

Work selected to be part of the permanent exhibition collection at the  MAC Museum in Bahia, Brazil.


Winner of the Main Street Mural Project Competition (Sponsored by Yonkers Water Front Business Improvement District Project in partnership w/ Raising Development ) Hudson Mural Dimension: 21′ X 12.’


First place prize at UBENY International Artist Competition, selected by the Guggenheim Museum critics.

Major Recent Experiences


Curated and participated in the”Tropical Latin Multimedia” Group Art and Music Exhibition 
(Sponsored by the Latin American Cultural Week, Pamar)  NYC.

Participated in the group exhibition, ” De Sao Paulo A Barcelona” Madri,Spain.

Participated in the “Art Meets Fashion” Group Art Exhibition Brooklyn, NY.

Curated and Participated in the “Contemporary Brazil & Baroque Roots” Exhibition at The United Nations, NYC.

Curated Adri Volpi solo exhibition, “Urban Styles”, Green Gallery, NYC.

Curated Group Exhibition, ” O olhar sobre AGAV” MC Gallery, NYC

Curated Barbara Andres-Schucht solo exhibition, ” A Tribute to Women” NYC, ” Green Gallery, NYC.

Participated in a group show exhbition in the  City Hall at Union City, NJ


Macy’s “A Magical Journey, Brasil” group show  at Macy’s Herald Square, NYC.

Hastings Train Station Cafe Solo Exhibition

Curated and participated in the group exhibition, “Voices of Brazil in New York”, Brazilian Endowment for the Arts, NYC.

Curated and participated in the “Migration Art Expo 2012”, Museu Da Cidade, Bahia, Brazil.

Curated and participated in the “Migration Art Expo 2012”, UNIRIO University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Curated and participated in the “Migration Art Expo 2012”, Ponteio Shopping Mall, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Curated and participated in the  ” Migration Art Expo 2012″,  Flory Menezes Gallery, Buzios, RJ, Brazil.

Curated Romero Marques solo exhibition at the Brazilian Endowment for the Arts, NYC

Produced “Cordel Literarture Symposium” at the Brazilian Endowment for the Arts, NYC

Curated “Book Expo America”, A book launch in the Brazilian community in the US, Brazilian Endowment for teh Arts, NYC.


Produced Sympsium “O Novo Brasil no Cenario Mundial”, Columbia University, NYC

Participated in the “Migration Art Expo 2011” art exhibition at the New York Public Library, NYC

Participated in the Rivertown Studio Art Tour,  Hastings-on Hudson, NY
- Painted Children Mural for the North Bronx Hospital, Bronx, NY.

Painted Children Mural for Goddard School, Hastiongs-on-Hudson, NY

Curated  and participated at the Discovery Brazil Brazilian Art Expo, Uster, MA

Participated at the Prudential Cent group Brazilian Art Expo, Newark, NJ


Produced “Nabuco e o Novo Brasil” Congress at the Columbia University, West Point Academy and American Society, NY.

Curated “Art Fusion Exhibition”, Brazilian Endowment for teh Arts, NYC.

Participated in the “Art Fusion 2” Art Exhibition at Intergrart, Teresopolis, RJ , Brazil.

Curated Evandro Angerami Solo Exhibition, Brazilian Endowment for the Arts, NYC.


Curated and participated in teh Exhibition, “A Tribute to Villa Lobos” at the United Nations, NYC.


Curated and participated in the group art exhbition, ” Earth: The Art of Global Warming”, New Century Artist Gallery, NYC.

Ana Michaud

conte sua história Ana Michaud, Derry, NH, Estados Unidos Digaaí Mashup 2014 é uma atividade da plataforma digital de conexão dos brasileiros no exterior Na edição de 2014 baseado em 2 mapas do livro Brasileiros na America (2009) de autoria do fundador do...

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Brasileiros na Bolívia

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